Play and Learn with Wharton Preschool’s Enrichment Activities

Children’s early learning is very important for their growth. It is the main reason why parents are investing in their early education. Knowing that children easily adapt to various things, it is a must to send them to educational facilities that will nurture them in the best way. This is not just for their learning today, but also for their future.

Yes, it is indeed true that the early learning of children has a great impact on the future. Knowing that their minds are like sponges that can easily capture everything, they need to learn things early to help them in the coming years.

Play, Learn, and Grow

Children’s way of learning at an early age is through playing. Wharton Preschool understands this truth. They adapt various learning techniques to ensure that their students will not just learn, but also experience having fun without knowing that they are already growing.

The exciting enrichment activities of this preschool centre singapore are what many parents love to engage their children. What are these activities?

  • Yoga
  • Gardening
  • Painting
  • Sports
  • Learning Mandarin

These above-mentioned activities will help children in different ways. By engaging them in yoga, they will surely learn the importance of physical well-being by being active. While gardening, they unconsciously discover how plants grow. Through their hands-on experience, they will surely feel that will give them a connection to nature. Aside from this, the painting will give them the freedom to express what they want and feel through the colours, lines, and patterns that they are creating. Of course, there are also sports that will simply give them the learning about teamwork. This will also teach them how to be active and focus on the game.

One thing that Wharton is known for is its commitment to teaching children to become globally competitive through learning how to speak Mandarin. At a very young age, they can write and speak Mandarin. Through helpful and effective activities, every child will learn the said language. Many parents have already proven this through their personal experience. This simply shows how Wharton provides a customised learning experience for the children of this era. Through their deep understanding of the uniqueness of every child, they have already created a dynamic learning environment to meet the needs of the children in this modern era.

Get in touch with Wharton Preschool for children to really learn and grow, while having fun and playing!

